5 Quick Tips To Help Your Acne Right Now
What you'll learn: 5 quick ways to improve your acne right now
3-minute read
While clearing acne often requires a multi-faceted approach, there are some things you can do right now to hlep improve your skin. Here are 5 game-changing tips that will help you achieve clear, calm skin in as little as 2-4 weeks.
Why scrubbing is making your acne worse:
When you scrub inflamed acne, you're causing more harm than good. Exfoliants - even gentle ones - and rotary facial brushes (think Clairsonic) break down the delicate cell walls beneath the surface, causing an inflammatory reaction and spreading inflammation. The result? More pimples that will appear in 1-3 months. Make sure your acne is gone before exfoliating.
The power of ice for rapid results:
Reduce inflammation and shrink pimples with this simple trick. Freeze water in a small paper cup, or use an ice cube. After washing your face, gently rub the ice on your inflamed pimples for 45-60 seconds. Repeat this nightly, and in the mornings for faster results. This is one of my best tricks for making pimples clear up in no time!
What you eat matters:
Foods and drinks high in iodides and androgens can trigger acne. Steer clear of whey protein shakes, peanut butter and peanuts, and energy drinks and protein shakes loaded with vitamin B12 and iodine. Limit dairy intake to 4 servings a week, and watch out for vitamin B12 and carrageenan in milk alternatives. Your skin will thank you!
Hidden acne triggers in your vitamins:
Biotin, B12, iodine, kelp or other algae, and corn oil or soybean oil in multivitamins, prenatal vitamins, and many other vitamins can trigger acne. Carefully read labels and avoid these culprits. Switch to acne-friendly options to keep your skin clear.
The real reason you shouldn't pick at your pimples:
Picking might seem like a quick fix, but it causes even more acne! It collapses the cell walls of your skin, leading to more inflammation and new pimples in the same area! Plus, you'll be left with red marks that last for months. Instead, use the icing method above to make your pimples go away quickly.
Ready to see the difference?
Try these tips consistently for just a few weeks and you'll see your skin improve. Clear, healthy skin is within your reach – start today!